I can't believe it! Logan turned two months old yesterday! I can't say it's gone by really fast because the first month was really hard and seemed to drag on forever, but the second month flew by. He has grown so much. He is now two feet tall. I'm not sure how much he weighs, but we think it's probably at least 14 pounds. I am really learning how to be a mom and have my own identity at the same time. He has become such a joy to have around. He's a lot of fun!
In other news, Mike cut his finger at work and has 13 stitches. It has turned out to be a blessing to me because he has been able to be at home more because his finger prevents him from being able to do a lot of his managing duties. It is, however, hard on the bank account. We didn't do much for the 4th of July. We just went to Aaron and Joy's for dinner and then watched a movie. It was nice. We put Logan to sleep upstairs in what will be our room when we move in with them. It was good to get a break and just relax while he slept.