Monday, September 19, 2011

New Blog

It's time to say goodbye to pottersalchemy. Our new blog is


I'm getting excited about the next couple of months! Mainly, because we will be moving again at the end of October! We haven't found a place yet, but I'm really looking forward to being somewhere else. I want to feel safe enough to take my son on walks again. I think my having a job is going to help us out a lot. When I think about it, I have it pretty good. I only work 3 nights a week, which is really not a lot. My job has it's frustrating moments, but I really do like it. Mainly because I get some alone time in the car when I go on deliveries. It's nice to be able to listen to my music in the car, which, lately, goes back and forth between Gungor, Andrew Peterson, and my beautiful friend, Ashley Beth! I love being able to listen to Christian music, because it helps so much when I'm frustrated about parking or if I can't find my delivery. It helps me to pray more, so that I can get through those times.

Our life has changed quite a bit with me working. It's weird not being home every night to put Logan to bed and spend time with Mike, but I think it's good for us. Mike gets more time to bond with Logan without me there and I get to have a responsibility outside of the house. It seems to be working out well. I don't know. It's been a rough summer, but I am just looking forward to what God has in store for us in this new season of our life. We are not promised an easy life and it could just get harder from here. It could also get easier for awhile. Either way, God is good and He is faithful and will carry us through anything that comes. Bring it on!!