I had to turn someone in for doing something wrong yesturday. It sucked. I don't like being the bad guy. It was hard because I get along really well with this person, but what they did was very dagerous. I was worried that my doing this would hurt our relationship, but fortunately today, we talked and he said I did the right thing. He said if I hadn't done it, he never would have known he did anything wrong. I lost a bit of sleep last night worrying about this.
The other weird thing is that my husband had to work all day today. He is still there and probably will be until about 11:00pm. I miss him. So, I rented a movie to keep myself amused. It was Love Actually. I have to say I think I liked it, yet there were some things that really bothered me about it. I guess my conscience was in overkill tonight because I felt bad for liking it. I hate when that happens. You're enjoying something and then the reality of it just hits you. Anyway, that's my story over the last couple of days. I am so ready for the mountains this weekend and getting to listen to Harry Potter in the car.
you're copying my layout! :(
LOL, just kidding. it's a nice one, isn't it?
safe travels. miss you....
Do you update this or your Xanga anymore? How are you and where are you and what are you up to??
~ Cat
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