Monday, July 12, 2010


I was reminded yesterday of how my pride and my sin are linked. Things that I didn't even view as pride, God brought before me to reveal the truth. I have never thought of myself as a prideful person. I guess I have just thought of pride to have one definition - thinking you're better than someone else. This one definition has so many meanings. There are lots of ways that we can think of ourselves as better than others and not even realize it.

Yesterday, through one of my best friends, who has always been like a big brother to me, God exposed me to myself. He exposed me for the utterly prideful person that I am and showed me that I am just as prideful as anyone else can be.

Call me crazy, but I love it when God convicts me. I love when He just proves to me that I'm not okay and that I still need Him. I love being brought to tears and practically weeping over the fact that I'm not perfect. I guess it makes me feel like God is still there and He still cares about me and wants me to have abundant life.