Wednesday, May 27, 2009


My poor little guy was so constipated last night. He just cried for a few hours. He was awake from 1:00pm to 7:00pm. That's a really long time for him. Thankfully though, he slept until 1:30am before waking up to eat. So, Mommy and Daddy got some good sleep last night. I wish I knew what caused him to be so miserable. I don't know if it was something I ate or if it was because I had been trying to get him on formula the last couple of days. I have changed my mind about the formula and am just going to keep breast feeding for as long as I can. I'm really enjoying it more these days. It really is a special thing. God is really teaching me how to be a mother. Mike has been wonderful as a dad and a great encouragement to me. God has given me two of the greatest guys in the world!


Cat said...

Breast feeding is awesome! Stick with it if you've made it this far and it's working. It gets easier at two months or so. Nicole could probably give you much better advice and would likely be a great encouragement for you.

As for family time, we hardly did anything with Riley until he was 18 months old. Enjoy these months! It's the last few that you can do things with him and not worry about entertaining him!

Are you going back to Sbux?

~ Cat

Ashley said...

you go girl! you and I are going to stick this bfeeding thing out!