Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Just Talking

I just have some thoughts I need to put down. I want a life where things happen. One where I can interact with people everyday. I love being with my son all day, but God did not make me to be by myself all day. I need other people. I was made to be a person who is out there investing in people and I don't want to only be able to do that when my husband is home from work. I want to spend time with him as well. And we need money. That's all there is to it. My son is not going to have to worry about where his college money is going to come from. He is not going to be buried by loans like I am and not be able to finish school because of money. I am so tired of feeling like I will be the most horrible mother in the world if I put my son in daycare. I know that putting him in daycare will not be the end of the world and that it doesn't make me a bad mother, but I feel like that's what a lot of the Christian world believes. Not all daycare's are bad. And putting your kid in daycare doesn't say anything about your parenting. Sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do. Period.

1 comment:

Cat said...

Corrie, daycares are so different than they used to be 20 years ago. Most parents I know put their children in Montessori daycares or an extended day preschool. I obviously work with families and their childcare situations and some of those kids are the best I've ever known. Spending quality time with your kid makes you a good parent, not quantity of time. I am a better parent to both my kids when I'm not stressed out and worried all the time and when I have time for other things in my life. Logan is already one, it's a good time to consider your options for both you and him. Anyone who judges you isn't your real friend anyway. If there's anything I've learned from myself and from working with other working parents, it's that not everyone was meant to stay home 24/7 with their kids. It's actually more rare than you think. Call me if you want to talk!