Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Catching Up

On Friday, I visited a website that I go to periodically. It is the website of a Christian Bording School in Mississippi. I do this because two of my favorite people in the world are house parents there. My old high school Bible teacher and his wife. I have been really close to them since I was 16. However, we lost touch a couple of months after my wedding, so I hadn't talked to them in over two years. I just all of a sudden got this incredible need to hear Cindy's voice in particular. I have wanted to call the school before and get their number and I can't explain why I never did it before now, but nothing was going to stop me this time. Cindy was the one pushing me in high school. The one that encourage me and helped me press on in my relationship with Jesus. She kept me accountable and made sure she asked me how I was doing with God.

I've not really had a relationship with Jesus lately and I came to the conclusion that I really need someone, other than my husband, who will ask me about the most important relationship I am in. I don't know why it doesn't happen here and I don't do it for others myself. It doesn't make any sense. We're not supposed to do this alone. We're supposed to look out for each other and encourage each other and I am the biggest failure at this.

So, I was really missing Cindy because there is no way she would have ever let me get like this. She would never let me get to the point where I hardly ever think about God. She is all about God and ministry and that is what a lot of our conversations always consist of. And that just rocks my world. I love those conversations because they get me fired up about how God can use me and get me fired up to continue my relationship.

Anyway, I finally called the school on Friday and it was so easy to get their number. As soon as I got it, I called. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I heard the phone ring. For some reason I was nervous, almost like I didn't expect it to be a welcome phone call, which was utterly ridiculous. And sure enough, Cindy was the one who answered the phone. As soon as I heard her voice I just started crying. It was such a great talk. She told me all about what they were doing with the school and of course was very encouraging and told me that she could totally see Mike and I there as house parents if we ever decided to go that route. Such a cool woman! I got to talk to her husband, Dennis, for a few minutes, but he had to go to the store to get food to feed the 16 girls that they live with. It was great to talk to him. It was such a great time and there will be many more to come now that we have the information. I am so thankful that these amazing people are back in my life. PRAISE THE LORD!

The picture at the top is the house they live in.

1 comment:

The Davis Family said...

Wow!! I'm so glad you called her. what a great person to have in your life.