Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How I Feel Right Now

I feel like I am done ranting about things that have happened with finances lately. This thing was not our fault, so what control did we have over it? I havn't ranted on here about what happened and I'm not going to. There's no point anymore. I'm kind of over it. Money is really a stupid thing to get upset about. Not that we don't need it, but it's not what defines us. Why get angry over it? Why let it drive a wedge between another person and yourself? So, I'm over it. All we can do is be responsible with our money and we've been doing that.

Anyway, I've spent time with God two days in a row now! This is a big thing for me. This is something I've always had a hard time with. Granted I've woken up extremely early the past two days (5:30am yesturday and 6:30am today), but I don't even mind because I like the quiet early in the morning. I feel really connected with God when it's quiet. I just feel really blest so far this week. My in-laws came and took us out for dinner for my birthday. They gave me some really awesome presents, including Gilmore Girls Season 7. It was a really nice visit. Our friends at church that we met the first day just became pastor and found out that they are pregnant with twins. Work was fun yesturday. It's been good!

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