Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Going After God

I have decided to begin another Bible Study for myself. I came acros a Beth Moore study that I had started awhile ago, but didn't get very far in. I had actually bought the audio cd's with her talks on them. So, I listened to the first one yesturday and then did the first day in the workbook. I have to say I am excited because this is something I know I can commit to because it's so in-depth. For those of you who can't stand Beth Moore or doing personal Bible study led by someone else's experience, I'm sorry. I just tend to learn so much from someone else that's teaching. Every Beth Moore study I have ever done has been a incredible experience. The study I am doing is called Living Beyond Yourself. It seems like the perfect time for me to do this because I have not felt like I can do much of anything right these days, and I can't in my own strength. I need to learn how to let God control me and I need to realize that He can change me in so many ways if I would just let Him do what He wants. I am so excited, for the first time in a really long time, about God teaching me something.

1 comment:

Onna said...

Hey girl, i hope your Bible study is going well! I love to listen to her. I used to go to her website and hear studies there. Enjoy!