Thursday, February 21, 2008

Morbidly Me

I have been reading the journals of Sylvia Plath lately and I am really enjoying them. It has kind of struck me that I enjoy reading about sad things. I enjoy watching sad things. Maybe "enjoy" is not the right word. I don't avoid them because I feel like they do what a lot of other things don't which is tug at my heart. I feel like I connect with people more if I know all of their crap than if I just know the good things. That's why I love to read auto biographies. I feel connected to people who are famous when I read an honest account of their lives. I would rather hear about the hard times than the happy ones. That doesn't mean that I don't enjoy hearing about the triumphs in my friends lives. But, I just feel more connected in the bad times for some reason. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I feel like people think I am a sick person because of this. But, for me, this is how God gets me to connect with others that need Him.

I want to know what others have gone through up until this point in their lives and I like the fact that it's not always an easy road because that makes them all the more real to me. That is what draws out my compassion.

1 comment:

learning beautiful said...

oh girl, I totally relate, of course! we know that life isn't a bed of roses... without the thorns, we know we're missing something in the lives of those we care about. when they come out... it's almost like they become more real. plus pain shapes who we are so much that you can't really know someone till you've seen their rough edges... and what's made them thus. at least that's my experience. :-D