Tuesday, March 4, 2008


You know how there are songs that are just so powerfully sung you are just moved by them. I heard John Gallagher Jr. sing one tonight. It's called "The Goodbye Song" by Joe Iconis. Something Jess said to me about Rent has stuck with me for a long time. She said you can see how much they love doing it. That is how it was with this song. John put so much passion into it he made you feel something. I wish I knew what God wanted me to do with this heart for celebrities and theater. I mean I know I could pray for them, but that doesn't seem like it's enough. I want to know them. I feel so connected to them through their singing voices and the passion with which they sing. I hardly ever get that when people sing about God. Where's the passion, people? Where's the belief in what you're singing about? Why is it that people who may not even believe in God can sing about something with such passion that it makes you want to cry, yet we can't be the same way when we sing about the One who gives us life and passion? And they're really aren't a lot of songs out there that embody a passion for Christ. Most of them sound the same and there's no meat to them. What I wouldn't give to see a Christian artist be as passionate as John Gallagher Jr.

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