Monday, November 26, 2007

Tugging At My Heart

Have you ever noticed what happens when people who have moved away come back to visit? You feel like you have to get to know them all over again. It's weird to think that they have this completely different life that you are no longer in. I love my friends and I love when I get to see them, but it's almost like an out-of-body experience that makes it seem unreal. It's like a dream. Then after they are gone, you have to ask yourself, "Where they really here?" And sometimes you have to go through the grief process all over again. This is always how it is for me. Would I trade it for anything? Absolutely not. It just tugs at your heart to know that even though you are getting to be with them now, in a few days they will be gone again.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I thought you felt that way after you left on Saturday...just know that the way I feel about you hasn't changed at all. Miss you lots and I look forward to the day when you and Mike can come visit.